Saturday, February 1, 2014

Rest from all Cares

Today I have really been thinking of how much my life has been blessed with the opportunity to be better each time I fall. Watching an inspirational video today really made me realize the true value of what the Savior can do for me during times when I feel desperate, lonely and forsaken. He always and I know always will run to me. The atonement makes up for everything wrong that has happened in our life.

Losing my dad at a very young age made me turn to the Lord almost everyday. I wondered, are you really there for me, is this really something that will impact my life forever, who will look after me with the loving counsel of a father? All this different questions would race through my mind. It was during this times that i sat down, and pondered, spending most of my time on my knees asking God, is this it? Was life meant to be this way? I can say with full surety of heart that someone is definitely mindful of us and will always be. I have found solace through prayer, diligent scripture study and loving family who have helped me through.

Being away from home on a mission has been a great testimony builder for me in seeing the hand that God has in the lives of those he loves. Every day we face challenges of mortality, faced with decisions that could affect our eternal destiny, relationships to be made right, families to be strengthened. One sure way in which all of this could be done is through our Savior Jesus Christ. I have grown through the grace of a loving God and Savior, that gives me the strength to go through each trying day of my life. I have seen it in the lives of those I have come to love out here. Just as a cute little 10 year old boy told me once looking up and pointing to the clear blue skies, "God is up there watching over all of us". He is!!! Its an eternal truth!!!

 I have seen with my own life that he is the only one that can get us and lift us from the dumps of the trials of life. But always remember, HE IS ALWAYS THERE!!!

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